100th Anniversary “Magnolia Celebrates”

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[ribbon toplink=”false”]It all began with an invitation …[/ribbon]

    [heading h=”4″]… and a lot of planning, of course![/heading]

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    [heading h=”4″]Invitation sent out prior to the event[/heading]

    On the July 12 – 14th weekend was a huge success!

    To all the people who attended:

    THANK YOU for celebrating with us!

    This was a long weekend event that celebrated the following milestones in the community:

    • 100 year celebration for the Magnolia area
    • 40 year celebration for the existing hall
    • Four previous schools in the area
    • Reunion for previous community members
    • Meet the new neighbours
          • [heading h=”4″]Remember[/heading]
            If you have an objection to having your picture
            displayed on our website, please click the following link
            to see our “Information about photos”
            at the bottom of this page.


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            [ribbon toplink=”false”]How the weekend began[/ribbon]

              On the first night, the campers started appearing in the camping area west of the Magnolia hall. Although the organizers had asked for RSVP’s, there are always a few that come even if they haven’t responded. So . . . we really had no idea how everything would turn out. Many of us were wondering just what the total number of people would be that would come to this exciting reunion of old and new neighbours.

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              Rick always comes to the rescue with something that is a real life-saver. A tent! The weather had been very wet – raining at very inopportune times, so this tent really came in handy a number of times over the weekend. People had a place to come in out of the rain, yet stay outside and enjoy each others’ company.

              Thank you so much Rick, for thinking of this great solution, hauling the tent to the hall, putting it up and – of course – taking it down after everything was over!
              The tent itself was loaned to us by Entwistle Concrete
              – thank you so much for your contribution to “Magnolia Celebrates”

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              [ribbon toplink=”false”]Some of the prep work[/ribbon]

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                On Saturday night, this team was getting ready ahead of time. Gene and Rose, Brad and Christine, Tess, Pat and a couple more helpers – did a great job preparing the meal that was going to be served to everyone who had come to the Magnolia Celebration! And it was great!

                Thank you to everyone that prepped meals and served them so willingly over the whole weekend.

                We will be adding some more pictures and information about the rest of the volunteers involved in some of the other meals and activities a little later.

                Everyone spent a lot of time talking and reacquainting themselves with everyone. There was an air of excitement and friendliness between everyone.


                [ribbon toplink=”false”]Contests[/ribbon]

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                  PHOTO CONTEST

                  There were a number of contests set up by the organizers – the main one being Val. She did a huge amount of work getting everything ready. There were a lot of volunteers that contributed to the success of the whole weekend!


                  There were contests set up for people to get involved in.
                  The first one was the Photo Contest. Many pictures from a looooooong time ago (to some it just seemed like yesterday) were displayed so that people could identify who were in the pictures. People were encouraged to identify anyone they could by writing the name across the copy of the picture, along with their own names, to get credit for the contest.
                  We will be announcing the winners of these contests.


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                  TRIVIA CONTEST

                  There was also a Trivia Contest, where questions were written out to see who knew the answers to many questions asked about what it used to be like to live around the Magnolia area in the early years.


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                  JELLY BEAN CONTEST

                  Finally, there was a “Count the Jelly Beans” Contest, who we will announce the winner of soon as well.


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                  There was a concession set up, so people could buy treats and drinks between the larger meals that were served.


                  [ribbon toplink=”false”]Memories – Wall Posters[/ribbon]

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                    WALL POSTERS

                    Val spent a lot of time getting maps and photographs together from many years ago – to display on our walls. Thanks everyone for your contributions! It was very interesting to see these presentations on the Magnolia Hall walls!


                    [heading h=”4″]TO COME[/heading]

                    There will be more pictures of the event that will be added in the future.


                    Some comments from some of the attendees will also be posted.

                    [heading h=”4″]CHECK BACK HERE LATER TO SEE WHAT WE HAVE ADDED![/heading]

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