

Magnolia Joy of Gardening

The Magnolia Joy of Gardening Club was formed by a group of dedicated gardeners in 1995 who wanted
to share their love of gardening, learn more about the practice of gardening, exchange ideas and
socialize. The Club is still going strong with a great roster of members!

Where we meet:  Magnolia Community Hall
When we meet:  Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 (except for July, August, and December).

Note:  Some meetings include a pot luck supper or BBQ on which days we start at 5:30 or 6:00pm.

Membership Dues: $20/year

If you're not currently part of the group, please contact us, to confirm dates and times below, in the event that there are any changes: magnoliajoyofgardening@gmail.com.


Did you know?

The Magnolia Joy of Gardening group will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2025.



Each meeting begins or ends with a short business meeting as well as one or more of the following:

  • Creating a garden focused project/craft.
  • Plant exchange in May and September (along with a BBQ) to share perennials, seeds, seedlings, books and produce
  • Summer tours of our members gardens, local greenhouses and other sites. The member
    garden tours are a real highlight, being a lovely social occasion as we wander through the
    gardens, find new ideas and have an afternoon tea!
  • Annual seed trials and rainfall tracking

We try to keep the "business" part to a minimum, and get on to the "fun stuff”!





  • Adult Co-ed
  • Equipment: beginner paddles supplied
  • Bring your indoor sports shoes
  • Call 780-727-2015 for more information
  • Beginning and end of playing season to be decided as we approach spring and winter

There is a nominal drop in fee per 2 hr. session.
Magnolia Community Club Membership is required ($10 annually)

Want to find out more information?
We usually meet on Tuesdays from 9:30 to about 11:30.
If you are not currently a part of the group, please call 780-727-2015 to confirm dates and times (leave a message), in the event that there are any changes.
There is no Pickleball scheduled during July, August and September.

We would love to have you join us – your first time is FREE!

New to Pickleball?

At the Magnolia Hall, we do not have quite enough room for a “legal” sized pickleball court but we have the area marked out for a slightly smaller court.

With pickleball, the goal is to have fun, and with the area available, we are able to do that for sure!

Advantages of Playing Pickleball

  • Good exercise
  • Builds fun relationships
  • Boosts your mood
  • Improves mental health
  • Burns calories